Copywriting Templates
Hey there! This is part of my documentation for how I spent a month helping Raposa Technologies launch! I used this time to do a lot of research, learn a bunch of new skills, and focus on code and copywriting the whole time. If you want to know what I did, how I did it, and who Raposa Technologies is, click here!
Copy Templates for Raposa
I made these templates to use as guides to write about logical fallacies and biases for Raposa. You can see them in action here! Each template introduces a couple basic copywriting styles and ensures the content moves in a logical fashion. Since I have written dozens of articles this month, having the templates as a basic guide was a great tool to speed up production.
Below I have listed a couple of my “copy and paste” custom templates I’ve made! I gave a brief explanation for the first template since it is the primary one I use, and explains the others on it’s own.
Template One
This is the most basic template. It is for a single topic and is usually a fairly brief article for an important topic. The template is in order as it would be n the page, but the numbers indicate what order I make them in.
Basic Single topic Template
1. Title
The title is what draws the reader in. This needs to bring the topic into focus. It’s important to do this first as it guides the entire article.
5. Intro
This is sometimes a single sentence that I turn into the subtitle. Depending on the topic and how complicated it is, this may be a couple sentences to ease the reader in.
2. Plain-Text explanation of topic
I provide a high-level explanation of the topic. I like to do this because most of the topics I cover are not the kind of thing you can understand right off the bat. I do this because my audience is not a run-of-the-mill kind of person. They like to think they are smart, so learning something that’s “complicated” that they can tell their friends about is intriguing to them. They are also more likely to be hooked to learn more by an explanation that they don’t fully understand. Here’s a simple example.
6. Hook
Transition to the article with a relatable hook. If I used an intro, then I will relate back to that for this transition.
7. (Story) Example
Give an example that paints a picture of the topic in a relatable and easy to understand fashion. I explain what the topic is all about and I prove it’s value. The point is to make sure the reader understands what exactly the topic is. All forms of writing styles can be done here. Stories are the best to stick to as they provide the most information retention as I explain further here.
3. “Why?”
Ask, why is the topic a problem/can cause problems? This is the “conflict” of the “story”. If we didn’t have a problem, then what would I be selling? Why would I need this article if there is no problem to solve or know about to avoid?
4. “How?”
How can the problem be fixed? What is the “resolution” to the “story”? If there is a problem, there must be a solution. Sometimes the “how’ is too complicated to fully fix. Most likely my product can help. This is where I incite the most value into what I am selling.
8. Conclusion
Connect the paragraphs with the pain points in a concise conclusion. Draw all the value into one place and drive the main points again as needed. Repetition is welcomed here.
9. CTA
Call to Action to join/buy service or product
Template Two
This template plays off the title. It uses the same basis and explanations as the first template, except instead of one main point, it works with 3+. See my example here
“3 Ways…” Template
Plain-Text explanation of topic
Example 1
“Why?” Problem
“How?” Solution
Example 2
“Why?” Problem
“How?” Solution
Example 3
“Why?” Problem
“How?” Solution
(Repeat as needed)
Connection Wrap Up
Template Three
The biggest difference between one and three is that three does not include much plain-text (sometimes none at all). This template focuses on the story, action, and characters. This is made for one or two topics and explains it in with either a fictional or non-fictional story. Dialog is an important aspect for this template. See my example here
Story Template
Intro to story w/hook (mid-action or dialog)
Introduce topic
Conflict- Include dialog and characters
Plain-Text Descriptions
Resolution- Include dialog and characters
Plain-Text Descriptions
(Repeat w/separate conflict and resolution)
Template Four
Much like telling a story, except the reader and the author are the characters. With this template, rather than putting the reader amidst the action, they are being asked to envision it. It is a non-fiction story that has a very conversationalist tone. See my example here
Imagination Template
“Imagine this” intro
What does it mean?
Why is it helpful?
How can you utilize it?